
Lightning arrester protection device

Meet the requirements of lightning arresters for all structures in the market, and can also be used in conjunction with any lightning arrester from other manufacturers.

1. Purpose:

Lightning arresters are often affected by harsh natural environments during use, such as wind, rain, or exposure to sunlight. The hat on the lightning arrester is designed to protect the arrester itself, making it have a longer service life and higher reliability. Hats are usually made of silicone rubber or polymer materials, which have excellent waterproof, anti-corrosion, and weather resistance properties. In addition, the use of hats can prevent impurities from entering, reduce friction and oxidation, and improve the performance of lightning arresters;

The lightning arrester with a hat on the top has better protection performance compared to the one without a hat. Therefore, when selecting or using lightning arresters, attention should be paid to choosing products with hats to ensure that the lightning arrester can operate stably for a long time and protect the equipment from lightning strikes.

2. Classification

According to the material, it is divided into two types: alloy plastic and organic silicon polymer. The theoretical value can be used for 20 years. The product has excellent weather aging resistance, UV resistance, and stable electrical performance, and can meet climate conditions of -45 ℃ to+45 ℃.

3. Choose

Our company currently produces 500 types of lightning arrester protective covers, all of which meet the requirements of all lightning arrester shapes currently in use and sold. Both silicone polymer jackets and ceramic jackets can be used, and the product is easy to install. It can be distinguished by international standard colors for clearer use. Common colors include yellow, green, red, and black.